

Video playlist - IoT and Java

Playlist for IoT and Java, include the following title:
  • Introduction to the Internet of Things
    What are some of the applications and devices in IoT space? In which industries are we seeing innovations? What kind of hardware can you use? What do you need to create your own project?
  • Java and the Internet of Things
    An Overview of the Java Embedded Platform, including Java SE Embedded, Java ME Embedded, and more.
  • Introduction to Raspberry Pi
    What is the Raspberry Pi? What do you need to install?
  • Java Embedded and Raspberry Pi - Part 1
  • Java Embedded and Raspberry Pi - Part 2
  • Gemalto Board Demo
    Build a Gemalto app and submit it to IoT Developer Challenge 

Enter the IoT Developer Challenge by May 30th, 2014 www.java.net/challenge.

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