
عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف raspberry pi 2عرض الكل
Make Buildroot (embedded Linux) for Raspberry Pi 2
Beginning Windows 10 IoT Core Raspberry Pi 2
Python control Raspberry Pi 2 PWR/ACT LED, using RPi.GPIO or system's shell.
Python/RPi.GPIO Control Raspberry Pi 2 B on-board ACT LED
Windows 10 IoT Core Insider Preview with support for Raspberry Pi 2, available now.
My Raspberry Pi 2 cannot detect monitor resolution!!!
How cool is a fan for Raspberry Pi 2
Plot "vcgencmd measure_temp" on uptime, Raspberry Pi 1 vs 2
Plot RPi 2 core temperature using Python 2 and matplotlib.pyplot
Install latest version of Mono and MonoDevelop on Raspberry Pi/Raspbian
Python display CPUs frequency graphically, run on Raspberry Pi 2/Linux
Python display Raspberry Pi load average graphically
Display Raspberry Pi CPU temperature graphically, using Python 2 with Matplotlib and drawnow
Raspberry PI 2 CarPC
Install C/C++ plugins for NetBeans on Raspberry Pi 2/Raspbian
Install NetBeans IDE on Raspberry Pi 2/Raspbian, to program using Java
Install Android 4.4.2 KitKat on Raspberry Pi 2 with BerryBoot v2.0
Install Ubuntu Linaro on Raspberry Pi 2 with BerryBoot v2.0
Config WiFi for Raspberry Pi/Raspbian
Read CPUs frequency of Raspberry Pi 2