Buildroot is a simple, efficient and easy-to-use tool to generate embedded Linux systems through cross-compilation. To make sdcard image to run Buil…
قراءة المزيدBeginning Windows 10 IoT Core Raspberry Pi 2 The Raspberry Pi has evolved in a very short amount of time with a number of editions and operating syst…
قراءة المزيدLast post show how to " Control Raspberry Pi 2 B on-board ACT LED with Python/RPi.GPIO ", this example show how to control both the PWR and…
قراءة المزيدI have a old example " Control the on-board LED using Python " to toggle Raspberry Pi 1 ACT LED. It's updated to toggle the ACT LED on …
قراءة المزيدStarting today you can download Windows 10 IoT Core Insider Preview with support for Raspberry Pi 2 and Intel’s Minnowboard Max. Windows 10 IoT Core…
قراءة المزيدI use a DVI-HDMI cable to connect my Raspberry Pi 2 to Monitor. Originally, it can recognize the monitor as 1440x900. Suddenly, it cannot recognize i…
قراءة المزيدThis video show The cooling effect of fan case for Raspberry Pi 2. Run the Raspberry Pi 2 inside a open top case, to stable around 48C, then cover wi…
قراءة المزيدIt's a Python script to plot "vcgencmd measure_temp" on uptime. import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import multiproce…
قراءة المزيدSimilar to the previous example " Display Raspberry Pi CPU temperature graphically, using Python 2 with Matplotlib and drawnow ", but use l…
قراءة المزيدMy previous post show Install Mono/MonoDevelop on Raspberry Pi/Raspbian using the default package repository . The installed version will be mono 3.…
قراءة المزيدIn Linux, the file "/sys/devices/system/cpu/*/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq" show the available frequency your CPU(s) are scaled to currently, i…
قراءة المزيدThe file /proc/loadavg indicate the load average figures giving the number of jobs in the run queue (state R) or waiting for disk I/O (state D) ave…
قراءة المزيدPython 2 example to display Raspberry Pi CPU temperature graphically, with Matplotlib and drawnow. This exercise work on Python 2 and need matplotlib…
قراءة المزيدHi, Here are the updates I have recently worked on: - Raspberry PI 2 support - KODI 14.1 - linux kernel 3.18.7-v7 with touchscreen drivers(thanks …
قراءة المزيدIt is assumed you have NetBeans 8.0.2 installed on your Raspberry Pi 2/Raspbian . By installing C/C++ plugins to NetBeans IDE, you can develop in C/C…
قراءة المزيدNetBeans IDE is the official IDE for Java 8. With quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU on Raspberry Pi 2, pre-loaded Java 8 on Raspbian, it's easy to ins…
قراءة المزيدWith BerryBoot (refer to the post " Install Ubuntu Linaro on Raspberry Pi 2 with BerryBoot v2.0 "), we can install Android 4.4.2 KitKat on …
قراءة المزيدBerryBoo is a bootloader/universal operating system installer. It is a simple boot selection screen, allowing you to put multiple Linux distribution …
قراءة المزيدThis video show steps to config WiFi on Raspberry Pi 2 running Raspbian.
قراءة المزيدThere are 4 cpu core on Raspberry Pi 2. ls /sys/devices/system/cpu show 4 cpu, cpu0~cpu3. The files hold the scaling current frequency of each cpu. /…
قراءة المزيد
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