

Raspberry PI 2 CarPC


Here are the updates I have recently worked on:
 - Raspberry PI 2 support
 - KODI 14.1
 - linux kernel 3.18.7-v7 with touchscreen drivers(thanks to Chris Coat)
 - radio backend fixed to support RDS RadioText and better RDS StationName
 - interrupts are coming from WiringPI C library instead of Python via sockets
 - new skin from Doru(new Skin Settings page)
 - CarPC folder now lives in /opt/ instead of /home/pi/
 - boot process schematic
 - code is moving to github(https://github.com/bboyandru/)

You can install the build using one of the two tutorials:
 - advanced users guide
 - beginner users guide (thanks to Piero Longega)

Please don't forget about the forum for any comments.

Some screenshots:
Home screen

FM radio with RDS

Kodi Settings page

Skin Settings

Skin Settings - Buttons

Enjoy and keep your eyes on the road while driving!

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