

Install NetBeans IDE on Raspberry Pi 2/Raspbian, to program using Java

NetBeans IDE is the official IDE for Java 8. With quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU on Raspberry Pi 2, pre-loaded Java 8 on Raspbian, it's easy to install NetBeans 8 on Raspberry Pi.

Visit NetBeans Download page (https://netbeans.org/downloads/), select Platform of OS Independent Zip, download and un-zip to any folder you want.

Switch to the unzipped /netbeans/bin folder, run the executable file netbeans:
$ ./netbeans

This video show how to download and install NetBeans IDE 8.0.2 on Raspberry Pi 2.

It is seem JavaFX not supported currently

x Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)

In the above demo video, I log-in Raspberry Pi 2 remotely with xrdp run on RPi 2, and remmina (Remote Desktop Client) on another PC running Ubuntu Linux.

Originally, I set Color depth of High color (15 bpp), it work once only. After then, I run netbeans next time, it fail with following error:

x Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Major opcode of failed request: 72 (x_PutImage)
Serial number of failed request: 51
Current serial number in output stream: 55

To fix it in my case, set Color depth of High color (16 bpp).

- Install C/C++ plugins for NetBeans on Raspberry Pi 2/Raspbian

- A example of Java to get CPU frequency, build with NetBeans on Raspberry Pi, the jar run on other Linux machine also.

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