Picamera updated 1.11, now support Camera V2. If you not yet updated, run the command to update:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
Suggested to update firmware also:
$ sudo rpi-update
Release 1.11 (2016-06-19) Change log (https://picamera.readthedocs.io/en/release-1.11/changelog.html):
1.11 on the surface consists mostly of enhancements, but underneath includes a major re-write of picamera’s core:
- Direct capture to buffer-protocol objects, such as numpy arrays (#241)
- Add request_key_frame() method to permit manual request of an I-frame during H264 recording; this is now used implicitly by split_recording() (#257)
- Added timestamp attribute to query camera’s clock (#212)
- Added framerate_delta to permit small adjustments to the camera’s framerate to be performed “live” (#279)
- Added clear() and copy_to() methods to PiCameraCircularIO (#216)
- Prevent setting attributes on the main PiCamera class to ease debugging in educational settings (#240)
- Due to the core re-writes in this version, you may require cutting edge firmware (sudo rpi-update) if you are performing unencoded captures, unencoded video recording, motion estimation vector sampling, or manual sensor mode setting.
- Added property to control preview’s resolution separately from the camera’s resolution (required for maximum resolution previews on the V2 module - #296).
There are also several bug fixes:
- Fixed basic stereoscopic operation on compute module (#218)
- Fixed accessing framerate as a tuple (#228)
- Fixed hang when invalid file format is specified (#236)
- Fixed multiple bayer captures with capture_sequence() and capture_continuous() (#264)
- Fixed usage of “falsy” custom outputs with motion_output (#281)
Hardware Limits (http://picamera.readthedocs.io/en/release-1.11/fov.html#hardware-limits):
The are additional limits imposed by the GPU hardware that performs all image and video processing:
- The maximum resolution for MJPEG recording depends partially on GPU memory. If you get “Out of resource” errors with MJPEG recording at high resolutions, try increasing gpu_mem in /boot/config.txt.
- The maximum horizontal resolution for default H264 recording is 1920. Any attempt to recording H264 video at higher horizontal resolutions will fail.
- However, H264 high profile level 4.2 has slightly higher limits and may succeed with higher resolutions.
- The maximum resolution of the V2 camera can cause issues with previews. Currently, picamera runs previews at the same resolution as captures (equivalent to -fp in raspistill). You may need to increase gpu_mem in /boot/config.txt to achieve full resolution operation with the V2 camera module.
- The maximum framerate of the camera depends on several factors. With overclocking, 120fps has been achieved on a V2 module but 90fps is the maximum supported framerate.
- The maximum exposure time is currently 6 seconds on the V1 camera module, and 10 seconds on the V2 camera module. Remember that exposure time is limited by framerate, so you need to set an extremely slow framerate before setting shutter_speed.
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