

Shell Scripting Tutorial for Beginners 3 - Read User Input

#! /bin/bash

echo "Enter name : "
read name
echo "Enterd name : $name"

# Multiple inputs
echo "Enter names : "
read name1 name2 name3
echo "Names : $name1 , $name2, $name3"

# Two commonly used options however are
# -p which allows you to specify a prompt
# -s which makes the input silent.
read -p 'username : ' user_var
read -sp 'password : ' pass_var
echo "username : $user_var"
echo "password : $pass_var"

# -a makes read command to read into an array
echo "Enter name : "
read -a names
echo "Names : ${names[0]}, ${names[1]}"

# read command will now store the reply into the default build-in variable $REPLY
echo "Enter name : "
echo "Name : $REPLY"

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