Install Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 on Windows 10/VirtualBox

Ubuntu GNOME is an official flavor of Ubuntu, featuring the GNOME desktop environment. This video show how to install Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 on Windows 10 with VirtualBox. (Basically, it's same as Install Ubuntu 15.10 on Windows 10/VirtualBox).

Download Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 and install on VirtualBox.

Insert Guest Additions CD Image to improve display resolution.

Create shared folder between guest Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 and host Windows 10.

To share folder, setup Shared Folder in VirtualBox Setting of the guest, assign a machine folder in host. Then run the command in guest Ubuntu Linux
$ sudo mount -t vboxsf vbShare mntShare

vbShare is the shared folder in host, and assigned as Shared Folder in VirtualBox Setting of the guest.
mntShare is the folder in guest Ubuntu Linux.

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